Interior Layout

The Interior layout of your build can be done in so many ways, if you’re new to Vanlife whether that be building your own Van like I did or buying one already converted you will see a lot of Interior designs/layouts online as inspiration. But ultimately it comes down to what your life will look like when on the road, for example, things to consider;

  • Are you mainly traveling on weekends?
  • Are you traveling solo or with a Family?
  • Are you living in the Van Full time? Do you need a work space?
  • Are you an online student?
  • Do you have pets?

It may seem overwhelming but ask these questions if you’re looking for a Van already converted and make sure it has all your must-have essentials or like myself when I was looking for a Van already converted I would see if it had the majority of what I wanted as I was okay with changing things up! On the flip side, if you’re wanting to design/build your own this is the fun but most challenging part to start, I will admit my layout changed halfway through and that was more so because I quickly realized my mid-roof (versus a high roof transit) didn’t accommodate to what I had first planned. In addition, my very large fridge was something we had to cater around.

Below are a few different layouts I put together during my brainstorming process, I considered whether I wanted to have a working space, more of a homey feel, lots of storage, and room for friends/family to stay or visit along the way. My initial plan was the Working Space layout but soon realized with a Mid Roof I wouldn’t be able to have overhead storage without hitting my head so I happily decided on the Fixed Bed layout.

Honestly, I was against the fixed bed design at first, thinking if my bed was always there it wouldn’t feel like my everyday home. But having to put some logic into the working space idea and what made sense – when I saw my fixed bed come to life, there is SO much storage and that to me, is more important. So I personally love the idea of the Fixed bed with beneath storage and plenty of room for above/overhead storage as well!  The Kitchen area in my build was a challenge simply because my Domestic Fridge/Freezer is so large I couldn’t fit everything on one side for my kitchen essentials, so I took my sink out and put it by the Sliding door (which opted to make a sweet view when the door is open).

The slide-out table in the back makes for more visitor space, eating space, or meditation space? Haha. I added my own special features such as a Doggie Ramp for all exits as my Fur Baby needs that to avoid jumping up/down from high surfaces! Finally, the Pocket door I cannot take full credit for as I took the idea from my forever VanLife Inspo (Divine on the Road), I love the idea for 1. Safety reasons and 2. to separate the reality that I’m living in a Van 🙂 

At the beginning of your build process, I can easily say the most exciting part is watching it come to life! There are so many layouts out there that you may wish you added or thought of before so my best advice is to stick with what you decide once you’re happy with it and stop looking!! There will always be room for improvements down the road!

Many Blessings,

Cassandra Rae, xo